Well, these past 2 months have been pretty busy (again). I’ve been travelling (again) and doing a bunch of different things. So I’ll just write a bit about lots of different things, and if you want to know more about anything, just email me.
My Birthday & New Car
In May I took a trip home for 2 weeks. I had a really great trip, had time to catch up with a lot of my family and friends, got to watch my brother Jo play soccer for the first time, and got to be home for Mother’s Day and Jo’s birthday.
It was my 21st while I was at home. So that was a good excuse to see lots of people, and had fun going out with a bunch of people.
And, while I was at home, I picked up my new car. It’s absolutely awesome!
While I was at home, I was asked to pray about going to Vanuatu to help run a NIKO with a DTS there. It was all kinda short notice. God said to go, and suddenly (and entirely miraculously) the money came in that I needed for a ticket, and 3 weeks later I was on the plane to Vanuatu.
NIKO in Vanuatu was completely crazy, and so much fun! We had to adjust things slightly in response to culture there and find different ways to challenge the participants.
As usual in YWAM, my job description has changed again slightly in the last two months. I have been asked to take over managing the base kitchen for a few months. This is not exactly an area that I would have picked as one of my strength, having never even run my own kitchen. But I’m learning as I go, and I’m sure that I’m going to learn skills that will be useful in the future.
Impact Youth DTS
As I mentioned in my last newsletter, I am going to be helping with running a DTS here later in the year. We have moved the dates slightly, so it’s going to be running from November 25th to April 23rd.
I have been working with Shiree to start figuring out some of the details. And I’m starting to get really excited about it. I really feel that for me, as well as being a time to invest into the students’ lives, it will be a real time of learning and growing.
New Flat
Last week the base eldership decided to let 6 of us single girl staff move into one of the flats. Since I’ve been in YWAM I’ve been living in a dorm, which has been fun, but it was also getting to the point where I wanted some more personal space. So having the opportunity to move into a flat is so great! We have our own kitchen, lounge room & bathroom. And we are loving being able to set up our own place.
Urban DTS
This week on July 1st, we started our Urban DTS. It is YWAMSA’s first DTS with an urban focus, as well as our first winter DTS. There are 9 students, mostly of which applied at the last minute. God has led the students here in amazing and different ways, and I’m looking forward to seeing what He does through this new group of students.
The Underground Cafe
The base has recently started a cafe at the Underground, an all-age music venue in the city. It runs on Friday nights alongside the bands that are performing there. We are really hoping to be able to use this as a place to just connect with teenagers in the city.
I have helped out once so far, and will probably be going a bit more in the future.
So, that’s just some highlights from the past 2 months.
I’d love to hear some of what you’ve been up to.