Monday, January 23, 2012


I have neglected this blog for quite a while - oops. 

Once of the things I want to do better at this year is communicating with everyone, and that includes posting something here at least semi-regularly. I'm not planning on boring everyone with super long posts about everything I do, but I will be aiming to give you a basic idea of what I'm up to, and some of the things God is showing me along the way.

So, here's the start to 2012 (it's still January - that still counts as the start of the year....)

Last Tuesday was our official first day back at work for YWAM Southlands Adelaide. We started the year off by all sharing different hopes & expectations for the year. I wanted to share with you guys what I said.

For the last few months God has constantly been bringing me to back to reading Isaiah 54 again and again. Telling me that this is his promises to me for this year (I'm fairly certain he doesn't literally mean I'm going to have kids this year though :)). So to share in the meeting I wrote a paraphrase of the chapter. This is what I came up with

Rejoice, even when you haven’t seen fruit yet. Even though those around you are seeing their blessing now, your blessing is coming. Make space for God to move. Get ready, be prepared. Big things are coming. Even bigger than you can dream. You will be fruitful and affect many.
Don’t worry about being embarrassed. Don’t hold back in case things don’t work out. Forget about past failures. God will take care of you. He will not abandon you. He will never turn away.  No matter what the circumstances say, He will fulfil his promises.
The parts of your life that have been destroyed, God will rebuild. And he will rebuild them with great beauty. You will be grounded in righteousness.
Your fruit won’t just be your own. God will be with you, guiding you. If any attacks come, they will not be the end of the story. Nothing can truly hurt you. God will see to it that everything works out for the best.

So, I don't really know exactly what is in store for me this year. But that's what God has been saying. I'm looking forward to seeing how these promises come to be.